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Short Writing

"The Curse of the Boto Boy" - Nightmare Magazine
"A Good Morsel of Clay" - Shoreline of Infinity
"Said the Carrion to the Corvus" - Nightmare Magazine
"Solace of the Keeper" - PodCastle

"A Cast of Liches" - Nightmare Magazine
"Afrofuturism, Utopia, and the Prospect of a Better Now" - Speculation City
"Sweet Home, Sweet Home..." "After Having Eaten From the Apple," "Fugitive," & "Zumbi" - Star*Line Magazine
"Zombie of Palmares" - FIYAH: Magazine of Black Speculative Literature
"Cor de Mula" and "Um Diálago..." - Trasgo, February 2020 (Strange Horizons Translation)
"The Color of the Mule" & "A Conversation..." - Strange Horizons*
"My Children’s Home" - Lightspeed Magazine
"Anatomy of a Transracial Child" - Apex Magazine
"Dead Boi," & "Expedita Writes to Maria Bonita" - Huizache: The Magazine for Latino Literature
"To Learn a Language," & "You Made Me an Ark" - Newtown Literary
"Quando Yemanjá e Oxúm Se Beijam" - Obra/Artifact
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